Turmeric is one of the superfoods used since ancient times. Sure was added to daily food for color, aroma, taste, and health benefits; it was also widely used for medicinal remedies. The curcumin in Turmeric is the secret magical component.
Many studies have been conducted in Ayurvedic medicine on Turmeric and its component to reveal its benefits. The main one is Anti-Inflammatory which everyone is aware of.
Along with that, curcumin is an excellent Antioxidant, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Analgesic, and immunomodulator. Curcumin also enhances heart and brain health by improving endothelial function and creating new neural connections. Curcumin decreases the growth of cancerous cells and reduces the effects of arthritis (Inflammation), depression, and blood sugar levels.
In Ayurveda, Turmeric has been a remedy for many skin and respiratory conditions. It has been used widely to improve skin complexion in the beauty industry. Turmeric holds a substantial healing property; thus, it is used for chronic/acute wound healing, snake bites, skin lesions, sprain, and strains.
Turmeric’s topical application and internal ingestion are widely used for overall health benefits. TIP: Turmeric is taken with black pepper for added benefit. The curcumin in Turmeric and piperine in black pepper together help with curcumin absorption and increase the level of the curcumin in the bloodstream.
Since we unite Body, Mind, and Soul, Turmeric also holds strong power in the spiritual world. It is believed sacred in some cultures and used in many spiritual practices. Its protective benefits give radiant energy throughout the body. It intensifies the cellular function and allows the power to be conducted smoothly through the body. In ancient India, its paste form is applied on the forehead to gain prosperity, clean the chakras, and purify the subtle body.
So, Turmeric is an all-rounder.
The origin and purity matter more than just the ingredients.
A little bit about Turmeric used at Sobha.
Turmeric at Sobha is supplied from a local farm in west India. Organic farming is done without the use of any commercial pesticides or fertilizer. Turmeric is grown, dried, crushed, and packaged in the most natural way possible. And thus, Sobha’s product made out of turmeric benefits beyond its potential.
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