Where do I begin with, Honey? Let’s get this out of the way; raw Honey poses more health benefits than processed one. The Honey from the bee comb is the best one to consume or apply topically. Raw Honey will have bee pollen and other properties that hold added benefits.
Many believe that if the Honey has crystallized (hardened), it has gone bad or impure, which is a myth. Pure Honey crystallizes due to the glucose and fructose in it; crystalization is one of the signs that it is not pasteurized or processed in any way. Pasteurization can destroy antioxidants.
Honey offers Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, benefits as it contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc, and antioxidants. It is a healthy sweetener for food and drinks and the most positive pranic food. Studies done on raw Honey suggest that bee pollen has added benefits of being anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anticancer.
Honey has been around for years and is used in naturopathy to treat various conditions. With the above benefits, it is widely used in skincare products. Honey helps balance the bacteria residing on the skin; thus, it is excellent to use in acne-prone skin. It is also favorable to apply on irritated skin, such as dermatitis, on a wound dressing to promote wound healing.
TIP: apply a small drop of Honey on active acne, cover it with a bandaid and keep it overnight. See the magic in the morning. (if it suits you, do it; if it doesn’t, don’t). Honey is gentle and cleans the pores while giving healthy, rejuvenating, young-looking skin.
The honeybee is an extraordinary animal on the planet, earning a lot of respect since ancient times. Honey is the supreme essence of plants and is a living substance. Honey projects wisdom and richness into one’s life.
Superbee provides us with the most positive pranic food that takes care of the body, mind, and soul, which is why it is one of the ingredients in Sobha’s skincare routine.
Caution: if you are allergic to bee pollen, it is best to avoid raw Honey. Do not heat or mix Honey in hot drinks, including water, as it affects the properties, lessens nutritional value, and chemical composition reaction releases toxins when heated. Take the advice of a medical professional if any concerns before using it for younger children.
Honey at Sobha
Honey at Sobha is supplied straight from the bee farm located in Tennessee. It is filtered, pure Honey.
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